Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big Day for Me!

Before After

Well I have been dieing to do something different with my hair for months. I finally got the balls to do it, I can't believe how nervous I was, I thought i would hate it but i really like it, and a bonus is that it went to someone who needs it i donated to locks of love, so i guess that's two people who like it. Change is good in moderation. Here are the pics....

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Boys Getting Big!

Bridger enjoying a teething cookie and chewing on a bottle he doesn't actually drink out of it he thinks it's a chew toy which sucks cause he won't take a bottle so i can't leave him more that 3 hours. but he likes playing with it. and making lots of noise like he's telling me stories about it. But he loves to drink water he'll grab my hands and put my glass to his mouth as fast as he can get it there and suck on it.

And Bryce got a new toy as you can see for going on the potty and he was doing really well wasn't all the way potty trained ,but I thought I could use it as a tool if he went in his pants i could take it away and he would learn his lesson. Oh... was I wrong I don't think he was ready for it just yet he has had it taken away 2 out of the 4 days he's had it. He doesn't comprehend time he thinks the 4 times he went on the potty in a day is good enough so i think he figures "well she'll never give it to me i went on the potty alot and i still don't have so i 'll go in my pants I dont't know. I really thought it would work... But he is doing good he'll catch on in time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July

Short and sweet is how I update lately sorry just in a hurry all the time. Well Bryce is doing really good on the potty thank the lord, i can't wait to only buy one size of diapers. And Will is all over the place working not working they have been really slow at work for months now I wish it would pick up. And Bridger and I are just hangin out together enjoying it while it lasts and he is growing like a weed, you would never had know he was a preemie he is 5 1/2 months and weighs 17 pounds he is made of rolls.
We are lovin life and trying te enjoy it!!!